The rice terrace fields in La Pan Tan, Che Cu Nha and Ze Xu Phinh was recognized the national landscapes by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Image credits: Thang Soi

There have been Yen Bai festival Mu Cang Chai rice terrace fields to attract more attention of domestic and international tourists about Mu Cang Chai where still a region of North-West Vietnam, it is very poor and primitive but very rich in natural beauty through imposing of rice terrace fields but it is strong potential of natural beauty of poor land.

Mu Cang Chai Rice Terrace Fields, it is stretching across the mountainside, layer by layer reaching up as endless, with about 2,200 hectares of rice terraces. Of which, 500 hectares of terraces of 3 communes such as La Pan Tan, Che Cu Nha and Ze Xu Phinh, Mu Cang Chai Rice Terrace has been recognized as one of the unique landscapes of Vietnam, it is at the most and ranked national landscape in 2007. (

Image credits: Sarawut Intarob

Image credits: Duc Vu

Image credits: Hoang Hai Thinh

Image credits: Phuong Le